Friday, March 6, 2009


Reader and friend Anne Sasso sent me this card that she had propped on her desk for laughs. She said, "I don’t know when your birthday is, but this guy made me laugh."

Well, can you stand it? I opened it ON my birthday!

Can a dog’s face really say WTF? I think so now! (Dogs, of course, aren’t crude like some bloggers.)

Anne’s advice—don’t open your IRA statements. By the time they type up this stuff and mail it, it’s probably worse anyhow.

Incidentally, speaking of Mexican-monikered, too way cute dogs, I was going to adopt a weird senior lady spitz-corgie named Lupe this weekend. They say she has a saggy face. Well, so do I. Unfortunately, they gave her to someone else and now my face is sagging more than ever.

I will keep looking.

In the meantime—find the funniest card you can and prop it on the desk. A coupla bucks well spent.

Better yet--send a few to friends. Coming out of the blue, cards are a spirit-brightener.

You could also save money and send a letter or note. Is that too retro?

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