Friday, May 8, 2009

From riches to rags

MaryEllen Fillo, Hartford Courant, says most people used to get new wardrobes when the seasons changed. Ah, good times…I remember well.

But I still want to get at least get an item or two. It’s in the blood.

Before Stacy and Clinton come after you from What Not to Wear, here are some ways Fillo suggests to brighten your look without breaking your bank (or whatever your hedgefund-payday loan thing is calling itself these days).

The secret is to shop “at home,” meaning in your own closet.

Jeans are still in, capris likewise. Just update with a top or two (even catalogs have “sales,” wait for them, or look for the clearance sections on websites).

You have jeans. OK, put on a top with a scarf this time. Do you have some old sling-backs—you are the “After” in What Not to Wear.

Have some pants that are too short—make them REALLY short. Needle and thread—remember those? Or seamstresses and tailors also need to eat—getting pants hemmed is $12 out here.

Have an old pencil skirt? Get one of those tunic-length tops (on sale, natch) and belt it.

Dump out the closet on the bed. Lose the blazers with shoulder pads and other stuff that can’t be salvaged.

This includes the tube tops when your body now has a muffin top.

Wear more than one necklace. Maybe buy a new purse.

You know what I do? When I am bored, I go on eBay, look for weird or retro jewelry that has an hour to go on the auction, bid a dollar or two and see if I get it. Usually the whole mess is way under $10 and it’s fun.

Remember fun?

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